That apple that crackles with taste and aroma when you bite into it came from a tree. Nourished by the earth. Watered by the heavens. Grown by the sun. Its natural nutrition did NOT come from a test tube.
Science documents what humans have known intuitively: natural is better
Your body functions best when given whole food complexes. Synthetic vitamins cannot replicate or adequately replace those health benefits.
Take control with a customized diet and exercise methods
At McKinzie Chiropractic & Nutrition, we use proven clinical methods to give you a personalized diet and exercise program. All based on your genetics and lifestyle. And backed by available genetic testing. There’s no guesswork. We provide the plan. You take control.
Cellular cleansing is a critical step toward a healthier you
It’s called purification. Aided by whole food and herbal products, it helps remove natural and external toxins. More than just detoxification, it is cellular cleansing.
“Your body functions best when given whole food complexes.”

Good natural nutrition can offer ways to lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and reduce anxiety.

Ginger and turmeric are natural supplements offering anti-inflammatory benefits without the use of drugs.
External toxins wreak havoc on our bodies
Daily exposure to pollutants, pesticides, and chemicals may be responsible for many diseases. These include autoimmune conditions and cancers. At the same time, our bodies also produce waste byproducts.
“There’s no guesswork. We provide the plan. You take control.”
Purification is not a colon cleanse
Although our bodies are designed to naturally rid themselves of toxins, internal and external pollutants can overburdened them. Purification offers your body additional support to metabolize and expel toxins. This improves the way it functions, resulting in better overall health and vitality.

A diet rich in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli has been associated with a lower risk of cancer.
We carry Standard Process, healing supplements designed to deliver complex nutrients as nature intended.

McKinzie Chiropractic
& Nutrition
601 Chase Dr, Suite A
Tyler, TX, 75701

by appointment
Monday 9am-12pm, 2pm-5:00pm
Tuesday 9am-12pm
Wed. 9am-12pm, 2pm-5:00pm
Thurs. 9am-12pm, 2pm-5:00pm
Friday 9am-12pm