Endocrine Disruptors

Hormone Disruptors Top 12 Chemicals that alter your body’s own hormonesFor a complete description, go to www.ewg.orgBPADioxinAtrazinePhthalatesPerchlorateFire retardantsLeadArsenicMercuryPerfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)Organophosphate pesticidesGlycol...

Natural Laws Can’t be Broken

There are natural laws that can’t be broken:1. Two objects can’t occupy the same space at the same time. Try to force 2 vehicles into the same parking spot.2. Gravity wins. If it weren’t for gravity, we would all be floating out into space. Gravity...

What makes our office different?

PATIENTS NEED SUPPORT, PATIENCE, AND LOVEUsing rational arguments to persuade an irrational patients is… irrational. If we do our best to explain in millimeters, degrees and phases the cause of a person’s spinal misalignment or health issue and they are...

Win a Tee Shirt Rules

WIN A Tee SHIRTRules: Each week, all patients who have been in the office that week will be entered into a drawing for a T-shirt. A name will be drawn from that pool of names for that week. Entries will then start over each week.1.     Only one...